44th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival

Text from https://moanaluagardensfoundation.org

Since 1978 on the third weekend in July, the annual Prince Lot Hula Festival has brought together premier hālau hula (hula groups) from throughout the islands for a daylong celebration of hula in a non-competitive setting. One of Hawai‘i’s most exciting cultural events, the festival allows thousands of island residents and visitors to experience the beauty and spirit of the Hawaiian culture.

While we cannot gather in-person at a live event this year due to the pandemic, our festival will continue in a virtual format again this year. Please join Moanalua Gardens Foundation on Thursday, October 28, 2021 for the premiere broadcast of the 44th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival featuring a special two-hour program on KHON2. Stay tuned for the broadcast time and more details as they become available.

Our theme this year is E Huli Alo I Ka Ulu Lā. Ua Ao Ē. With the rising of the sun, a new day dawns.

The 44th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival: Thursday, October 28, 2021 on KHON2. Time to be announced.


Accepting New Students in November 2021


‘Ūniki Papa Hulu 2021